[Version] signature="$Windows NT$" ClassGUID={00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} layoutfile=LAYOUT.INF ; ; The following section lists all the groups and items that must be deleted ; on upgrade. The format of the items in this section is: ; ; [StartMenu.ObjectsToDelete] ; ,,, ; ; where: ; ; is a number: 0 indicates a menu group ; 1 indicates a menu item ; is the name of the group or item to be deleted; ; is the path to the group or item to be deleted (it does not ; include the gropu or item name; ; is a number: 0 indicates private group ; 1 indicates common group ; ; [StartMenu.ObjectsToDelete] 1,%intro%,%main%,0 1,%pifedit%,%main%,0 1,%control%,%main%,0 1,%winfile%,%main%,0 1,%cmd%,%main%,0 1,%setup%,%main%,0 1,%readme%,%main%,0 1,%ntbooks%,%main%,0 1,%cmdref%,%main%,0 1,%printman%,%main%,0 1,%clipbrd%,%main%,0 ; 1,%msmail32%,%main%,0 ; 1,%schdpl32%,%main%,0 1,%terminal%,%accessories%,0 1,%mplayer%,%accessories%,0 1,%sndrec32%,%accessories%,0 1,%sndvol32%,%accessories%,0 1,%cdplayer%,%accessories%,0 1,%pbrush%,%accessories%,0 1,%printman%,%accessories%,0 1,%write%,%accessories%,0 1,%sol%,%games%,0 1,%winmine%,%games%,0 1,%freecell%,%games%,0 1,%dcomcnfg%,%admintools%,1 1,%ntbooks%,,0 ; ; Items moved from personal Administrative Tools group to ; Administrative Tools (Common) group ; 1,%windisk%,%admintools%,0 1,%perfmon%,%admintools%,0 1,%ntbackup%,%admintools%,0 1,%eventvwr%,%admintools%,0 1,%winmsd%,%admintools%,0 1,%rasadmin%,%admintools%,0 1,%musrmgr%,%admintools%,0 1,%dcomcnfg%,%admintools%,0 ; ; Items moved from Network Administration (Common) group to ; Administrative Tools (Common) ; ; ; The following section lists all the items under 'Start Menu\Programs' that should ; be created on a clean install and upgrade. The format of the items in this section ; is: ; ; [StartMenuItems] ; = ,,,, ; ; Binary is the file whose presence in \system32 means that we need ; to create the program item. Commandline is the actual command line ; passed to progman for the item. Iconfile is optional and overrides ; the default icon that progman gives the item. ; ; If is non-0, then this item gets upgraded during upgrade. ; [StartMenuItems] %cmd% = cmd.exe,cmd.exe,progman.exe,10 %explorer% = explorer.exe,explorer.exe,explorer.exe,1 ; ; The following section lists all the groups under 'Start Menu\Programs' that should ; be created on a clean install and upgrade. The format of the items in this section ; is: ; ; [StartMenuGroups] ; = , ; ; where: ; ; is the name of the group to be created; ; is a number: 0 indicates private group ; 1 indicates common group ; ; [StartMenuGroups] Accessories = %accessories%,0 Startup = %startup%,0 AdminTools = %admintools%,1 ; ; Sections that follow are for program group items that are ; always added, and are in the following format: ; ; [] ; = ,,,, ; ; Binary is the file whose presence in \system32 means that we need ; to create the program item. Commandline is the actual command line ; passed to progman for the item. Iconfile is optional and overrides ; the default icon that progman gives the item. ; ; If is non-0, then this item gets upgraded during upgrade. ; [AdminTools] %windisk% = windisk.exe,windisk.exe,,0 %perfmon% = perfmon.exe,perfmon.exe,,0 %ntbackup% = ntbackup.exe,ntbackup.exe,,0 %eventvwr% = eventvwr.exe,eventvwr.exe,,0 %winmsd% = winmsd.exe,winmsd.exe,,0 %rasadmin% = rasadmin.exe,rasadmin.exe,,0 %musrmgr% = musrmgr.exe,musrmgr.exe,,0 [Accessories] %notepad% = notepad.exe,notepad.exe,,0 %du_networking% = rasphone.exe,rasphone.exe,,0 ; ; Device Installer Migration ; ; The following section is used to migrate legacy INFs/devices into a PnP-installed ; state, so that the appropriate class installers always see devices of their class in ; a consistent state. ; ; (We're currently migrating only SCSI and TAPE classes.) ; [LegacyPnPMigration] ClassesToSweep = oemscs*.inf, oemtap*.inf ClassesToMigrate = {4D36E97B-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}, {6D807884-7D21-11CF-801C-08002BE10318} ; ; Fonts. ; [InstallFonts] UpdateInis=Fonts.Install [UpgradeFonts] UpdateInis=Fonts.Upgrade [Fonts.Install] ; ; These are fonts that GUI setup installs on non-upgrades. ; win.ini,Fonts,,"Roman (All res)=ROMAN.FON" win.ini,Fonts,,"Script (All res)=SCRIPT.FON" win.ini,Fonts,,"Modern (All res)=MODERN.FON" win.ini,Fonts,,"Small Fonts (VGA res)=SMALLE.FON" win.ini,Fonts,,"Arial (TrueType)=ARIAL.TTF" win.ini,Fonts,,"Arial Bold (TrueType)=ARIALBD.TTF" win.ini,Fonts,,"Arial Bold Italic (TrueType)=ARIALBI.TTF" win.ini,Fonts,,"Arial Italic (TrueType)=ARIALI.TTF" win.ini,Fonts,,"Courier New (TrueType)=COUR.TTF" win.ini,Fonts,,"Courier New Bold (TrueType)=COURBD.TTF" win.ini,Fonts,,"Courier New Bold Italic (TrueType)=COURBI.TTF" win.ini,Fonts,,"Courier New Italic (TrueType)=COURI.TTF" win.ini,Fonts,,"Lucida Console (TrueType)=LUCON.TTF" win.ini,Fonts,,"Lucida Sans Unicode (TrueType)=L_10646.TTF" win.ini,Fonts,,"Times New Roman (TrueType)=TIMES.TTF" win.ini,Fonts,,"Times New Roman Bold (TrueType)=TIMESBD.TTF" win.ini,Fonts,,"Times New Roman Bold Italic (TrueType)=TIMESBI.TTF" win.ini,Fonts,,"Times New Roman Italic (TrueType)=TIMESI.TTF" win.ini,Fonts,,"WingDings (TrueType)=WINGDING.TTF" win.ini,Fonts,,"Symbol (TrueType)=SYMBOL.TTF" win.ini,Fonts,,"Symbol 8,10,12,14,18,24 (VGA res)=SYMBOLE.FON" [Fonts.Upgrade] ; ; These are fonts that are installed/deleted/changed on upgrade. ; win.ini,Fonts,"Roman (Plotter)=","Roman (All res)=ROMAN.FON" win.ini,Fonts,"Script (Plotter)=","Script (All res)=SCRIPT.FON" win.ini,Fonts,"Modern (Plotter)=","Modern (All res)=MODERN.FON" ;win.ini,Fonts,"MS Console (TrueType)=","Lucida Console (TrueType)=LUCON.TTF" [DestinationDirs] Files.System = 10,system32 Files.System.CopyAlways = 10,system32 Files.NoWin31.System32ToSysroot = 10 Files.NoWin31.System32ToSystem = 10,system Files.NoWin31.SetupToSysroot = 10 Files.NoWin31.SetupToSystem = 10,system Files.NoWin31CopyAlways.SetupToSysroot = 10 Files.NoWin31CopyAlways.SetupToHelp = 10,help Files.NoWin31DeleteAlways.Sysroot = 10 Files.Win31CopyAlways.SetupToSysroot = 10 [Files.NoWin31.System32ToSysroot] NOTEPAD.EXE TASKMAN.EXE [Files.NoWin31.System32ToSystem] AVICAP.DLL AVIFILE.DLL COMMDLG.DLL LZEXPAND.DLL KEYBOARD.DRV MCIAVI.DRV MCISEQ.DRV MCIWAVE.DRV MMSYSTEM.DLL MMTASK.TSK MOUSE.DRV MSVIDEO.DLL OLECLI.DLL OLESVR.DLL SHELL.DLL SOUND.DRV SYSTEM.DRV TAPI.DLL TIMER.DRV VER.DLL VGA.DRV WFWNET.DRV WINSPOOL.DRV [Files.NoWin31.SetupToSysroot] _DEFAULT.PIF WINHELP.EXE WIN.INI WINFILE.INI WINHELP.EXE [Files.NoWin31CopyAlways.SetupToSysroot] REGEDIT.EXE [Files.NoWin31CopyAlways.SetupToHelp] REGEDIT.CNT REGEDIT.HLP [Files.NoWin31DeleteAlways.Sysroot] CANYON.MID CHIMES.WAV DING.WAV RINGIN.WAV RINGOUT.WAV [Files.Win31CopyAlways.SetupToSysroot] REGEDIT.EXE,REGEDT16.EXE REGEDIT.HLP,REGEDT16.HLP REGEDITV.CNT REGEDITV.HLP [Files.System] SPOOLSS.EXE SPOOLSS.DLL AUTOEXEC.TMP,AUTOEXEC.NT CONFIG.TMP,CONFIG.NT [Files.System.CopyAlways] ; ; List of infs we load and run BaseWinOptions at Setup time. ; [BaseWinOptionsInfs] accessor.inf communic.inf games.inf imagevue.inf mmopt.inf msmail.inf multimed.inf optional.inf pinball.inf wordpad.inf ; ; Infs that get run at optional components time, ; in initial and upgrade cases. ; [Infs.Always] iexplore.inf,DefaultInstall [ServicesToRename] OLE = RpcSs [Strings] ; ; Names of program groups ; main = "Main" games = "Games" accessories = "Accessories" accessories_games = "Accessories\Games" accessories_multimedia = "Accessories\Multimedia" startup = "Startup" admintools = "Administrative Tools" ; ; Names of program group items ; winfile = "File Manager" control = "Control Panel" printman = "Print Manager" clipbrd = "ClipBook Viewer" dialer = "Phone Dialer" cmd = "Command Prompt" explorer = "Windows NT Explorer" setup = "Windows NT Setup" pifedit = "PIF Editor" msmail32 = "Mail" schdpl32 = "Schedule+" intro = "Introducing Windows NT" readme = "Read Me" ntbooks = "Books Online" cmdref = "Windows NT Help" windisk = "Disk Administrator" perfmon = "Performance Monitor" ntbackup = "Backup" eventvwr = "Event Viewer" dcomcnfg = "DCOM Configuration" winmsd = "Windows NT Diagnostics" musrmgr = "User Manager" pbrush = "Paintbrush" paint = "Paint" winchat = "Chat" terminal = "Terminal" notepad = "Notepad" cardfile = "Cardfile" calc = "Calculator" clock = "Clock" charmap = "Character Map" mplayer = "Media Player" sndrec32 = "Sound Recorder" sndvol32 = "Volume Control" cdplayer = "CD Player" write = "Write" packgr32 = "Object Packager" hyperterm = "HyperTerminal" sol = "Solitaire" winmine = "Minesweeper" freecell = "Freecell" rasadmin = "Remote Access Admin" du_networking = "Dial-Up Networking" admin_wiz = "Administrative Wizards"